Q. Why do you not use social media?
A. I require a lot of silence to reflect, study, and work.
Q. Are you a specialist in immigration law?
A. No. In the state of Texas in order to hold yourself out as a specialist, you have to be Board Certified in Immigration and Nationality Law by the State Bar of Texas. I am not Board Certified.
Q. Why are you not Board Certified in Immigration and Nationality law?
A. The State Bar of Texas requires that a Board Certified attorney handle a whole range of types of cases in a 3-year period. I do not handle business cases for the most part, for example. Therefore, it would be difficult for me to obtain the certification. There is no question that immigration law is considered to be extremely complicated.

“Iconic Trilogy” – Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park – William C. Winn
Q. What are your credentials?
A. I have been an attorney in the state of Texas since November 10, 1988 mostly practicing immigration cases since 2000. I am also fluent in Spanish as I am from the US and from Spain.
Q. What is your approach to being an attorney?
A. I do not do a volume practice. Rather, I accept challenging cases and fewer in number. I like to be thoroughly prepared. If I study the law thoroughly and know the facts inside and out on any given case, then the client has the best possible chance.
Q. What kinds of cases do you enjoy?
A. I enjoy practicing in the federal courts. If there is an injustice, then there is a way to seek a remedy I believe. I also greatly enjoy helping families, women and children. I feel called to help the marginalized. The attorney who practices immigration law has a special opportunity to help the Government see a person correctly.

“Innocence” – William C. Winn
Q. Do you take business immigration cases?
A. No. I am interested in the L-1 visa in particular but at this point I do not accept such cases. However, I will accept cases in federal court and on appeal relating to business immigration. Before the USCIS the applicant generally does not have to explain law or theory. Not so on appeal or before the federal court.
Q. Why do you not have testimonials?
A. The best way to hire an attorney is by word of mouth. You should first talk to someone in your family or your community to seek a person who has good judgment and character. Also, attorneys will refer you to other attorneys.
Q. Do you accept credit cards?
A. Yes.
Q. How do you get to your office?
A. As you head towards 34th Street on the feeder road of 290 (“Northwest Freeway”) from Mangum Road, you will take a right on Kingswood Lane immediately after “The Olive Garden” Restaurant. The parking lot is immediately on the left after “Captain Benny’s” Restaurant.
As you head east on 34th Street and cross under 290 (“Northwest Freeway”), you will make a right on Kingswood Lane immediately after the Wells Fargo Bank. The parking lot is immediately before the “Captain Benny’s” Restaurant on the right hand side before you get to the 290 feeder road.
10900 Northwest Fwy Ste 108
Houston, TX 77092