“Concerned Citizen” – William C. Winn
Mr. James P. McCollom, Jr. believes that an attorney is a community leader who is in an excellent position to help and to serve. He is an advocate on the question of spirituality in mental health and has spoken on this topic to numerous groups listed below in both English and in Spanish.
These groups do not in any way endorse the attorney McCollom.
Legal community volunteer:
Board of Directors, Texas Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers
Volunteer, Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program
Recent past:
Member of the Standing Committee for the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program of the State Bar of Texas (2008 to 2013)
(Member of the mental health subcommitee)
Panelist on a mental health initiative session for an American Bar Association Law Student Division meeting at the South Texas College of Law (2014)

“Blooming Rose of Sharon” – William C. Winn
Community volunteer including:
Pathways to Promise Leadership Forum participant (9/18 to present)
Pathways to Promise promotes a model of “accompaniment”
What does “accompaniment” mean to you?
Recent past:
Member, Council on Mental Illness, National Catholic Partnership on Disability (9/15 to 9/18)
Secretary, Board of Directors, Gratia Plena (2014 to 2016)
newsletter: http://gratiaplenacounseling.us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=dbc332da034e98de313320b55&id=0bddbadb97
Recent past:
Speaker with Dr. Ken Buckle, “See Me, Touch Me: Finding Christ in Persons with Mental Illness” at an Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston conference (November 2016)
Speeches through the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) in the “Compartiendo Esperanza” outreach program to the Hispanic community (2015)
Panelist in an outreach program on spirituality and mental health to the Hispanic Community at The Methodist Hospital, Houston (2015)
Speaker with Father Bob Malloy, O.F.M. Cap., “Spirituality: How it Strengthens Recovery” at the National Catholic Partnership on Disability Conference “Where Faith and Disability Meet” held in Houston, Texas (November 2013).
QUESTION: What is your cause? Where do you volunteer? Whom do you help?
We remember the immortal words of President John F. Kennedy, Jr.:
“Ask not what your country can do for you! Ask what you can do for your country.”
You will find attorneys volunteering at the local, state, or national level on many different causes.
10900 Northwest Fwy Ste 108
Houston, TX 77092